23-23 Jun 2021 Montpellier (France)

Worshop on reproducible research

We are organizng a half-day online mini-workshop on reproducible research, on Wednesday June 23rd, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 a.m.

The objective is to present the stakes about reproducible research [1] in 2021, and its implication on research work, as well as its interest to produce igh quality science.

This workshop is co-organized by:

- the Montpellier Bio-Stats network (https://groupes.renater.fr/wiki/montpellier-biostat)
- the key initiative Muse (KIM) "Data & Life Science" (https://muse.edu.umontpellier.fr/key-initiatives-muse/data-life-sciences/)
- The Data Science Institute of Montpellier (https://isdm.umontpellier.fr/)
- the Open Science initiative at Montpellier University (https://bibliotheques.edu.umontpellier.fr/science-ouverte/)

Registration is free but mandatory.


Here is the scheduled :

1. introduction by Arnaud Legrand (LIG), 45 minutes : "Reproducibility crisis and open science"

2. Montpellier-BioStats (MBS) team, 45 minutes : good practices and usefull information about reproducible research

3. Julien Chiquet (Inrae), 15minutes : presentation of Computo (https://computo.sfds.asso.fr/), a new scientific paper paper from the french statistical society (SFdS), "an open paper with reproducible contributions"

4. Loïc Desquilbet (École Vétérinaire Alfort), 15 minutes : reproducibility for the research in biology ("how p-values can be dangerous")

5. Nicolas Barrier (IRD MARBEC), 15 minutes : feedback about managing source codes via GitHub et Zenodo

6. Alexandre Gramfort (Inria) ou Thomas Moreau (Inria), 15 minutes : easy and reproducible optimization benchmark with Benchopt (https://benchopt.github.io/)

7. Équipe MBS, 15 minutes : reproducibility in R

8. Équipe MBS, 15 minutes : reproducibility in Python

!! All talks will be in french !!

Reference :

[1] Desquilbet, Loïc, Sabrina Granger, Boris Hejblum, Arnaud Legrand, Pascal Pernot, et Nicolas P. Rougier. Vers une recherche reproductible : Faire évoluer ses pratiques. Bordeaux : Urfist de Bordeaux, 2019. ISBN : 979-10-97595-05-0 ; https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02144142 et https://github.com/rr-france/bookrr (version web disponible en ligne)

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